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Serbia Deports War Crimes Suspect to Bosnia

Serbian authorities have deported a man wanted by Bosnia for his suspected role in the execution of 23 Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) civilians in the central Bosnian city of Jajce in 1992. Zoran Maric, a former member of the Bosnian Serb army, was extradited on Tuesday on the basis of a …

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Serbia Opens Corridor 10 Highway Stretch

Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic has opened a 21-kilometre-long stretch of the highway on Corridor 10, between the border with Macedonia and the southern Serbian village of Levosoje near Bujanovac, around 350 kilometres south of Belgrade. Cvetkovic said yesterday that the government had fulfilled its promise made to citizens exactly …

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Bulgaria: Borisov Appoints Interior Minister

The leader of the GERB party and Prime Minister-designate Boyko Boriov announced Wednesday afternoon that the GERB chair, Tzvetan Tzvetanov, will be named Bulgaria’s new interior minister. Borisov broke the news after he and Tzvetanov met with the Chief Prosecutor Boris Velchev and other representatives of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office …

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