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IAEA To Help Serbia Decommission Nuclear Reactor

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will help Serbia ship tonnes of spent nuclear fuel to Russia and decommission its research reactor, IAEA’s outgoing chief Mohamed ElBaradei said on Friday. The Vinca Nuclear Institute, 17 km (11 miles) southeast of Belgrade, will ship 2.5 tonnes of spent fuel rods and …

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Bosnia Court Jails Ex-Serb Commander For 18 Years

Bosnia’s war crimes court jailed a Bosnian Serb wartime army commander on Friday for 18 years for the killing, rape and torture of Muslims in eastern Bosnia early in the 1992-95 war. “Momir Savic was found guilty of persecution, murder, imprisonment, rape, torture and other inhuman acts against Bosnian Muslim …

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Ukraine continues to sell military hardware to Georgia receiving 800 million dollars of profit

Ukraine has received about $800 million of profit from the export of arms in 2008. Sergey Bondarchuk, the chairman of the state-run company Ukrspetsexport, said that the nation’s arms export in 2007 brought the profit of $700 million and nearly $800 million – in 2008. Ukraine has recently expanded the …

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