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Albania PM claims narrow victory

The governing centre-right party of Albania’s Prime Minister has claimed victory in elections held last weekend. With most results in, the Democrat party headed by PM Sali Berisha was narrowly ahead of its Socialist rivals, but possibly short of a majority. However, the Socialists accused their rivals of manipulating the …

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Serb officers return to Kosovo police

PRISTINA, Kosovo Most suspended Serb police officers reported to duty on Tuesday (June 30th), the deadline set by Kosovo police. A total of 325 Serbs decided to return, ending their protest of Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence in February 2008. Only 18 failed to return. A EULEX statement said the …

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Albanian election winner still unclear

TIRANA, Albania The outcome of Sunday’s (June 28th) parliamentary elections hinges on the results in the remaining 80 polling centres where votes have yet to be counted, media reported on Wednesday. According to the latest figures, the coalition led by the ruling Democratic Party won 70 seats, followed by the …

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