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Moldovan Court Clears Way To Dissolve Parliament

Moldova’s Constitutional Court on Friday said outgoing President Vladimir Voronin had to dissolve parliament and call an early election to the assembly. “The president in office not only has the right, but also the obligation, to dissolve parliament and name a date for an early election,” court justice Elena Safaleru …

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Serbia To Remove NATO Bombs From Rivers

Serbia will invest 3.8 million euros in clearing unexploded bombs and ammunition dating from the 1999 NATO bombing from rivers in Belgrade, a government official said on Thursday. The project to remove unexploded ordnance from the Sava and the Danube will be jointly funded by the European Commission and Serbian …

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Russia Will Not Enter WTO In 2009

Russia will seek guidance from the World Trade Organisation on how to proceed with accession talks with two former Soviet republics, Moscow’s chief negotiator said on Thursday. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said this week that Russia was dropping its 16-year bid to unilaterally join the WTO and would only join …

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