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US Urges Creative Macedonia “Name” Solution

US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg on Thursday urged Macedonia and Greece to find a creative solution to their ongoing name dispute. In an interview with the Macedonian edition of Voice of America, Hillary Clinton’s deputy pledged US help toward finding a resolution to the dispute. “We shall work …

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Germany Extends Kosovo Troop Presence

Germany’s lower house of parliament approved a plan yesterday to extend the presence of troops in Kosovo for an additional 12 months. Deputies arguing in favour of the Kosovo troop extension said that although the situation in Kosovo had stabilized, it remained fragile. Many Western countries have begun to cut …

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Incko: Neću dozvoliti osporavanja institucija BiH

Author: Mirza Čubro SARAJEVO – Visoki predstavnik međunarodne zajednice za BiH Valentin Incko izjavio je jučer u Vijeću sigurnosti UN-a da neće dopustiti da suverenitet države i nadležnosti njenih institucija budu osporene. “Neki od visokih političkih funkcionera iz Republike Srpske napadaju legitimitet institucija – sudskih, tužilačkih, policijskih, ekonomskih, obavještajnih i …

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