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Romania Leader Discusses Nuclear Plant

Romanian President Traian Basescu visited Paris Monday to discuss among other issues the possibility of building a nuclear reactor for Romania, with France’s leader. French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s office said Monday’s meeting over lunch would be devoted mainly to bilateral issues, the Associated Press reported.  

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Muslim Gathering Banned in Serbia

A gathering of Muslim worshipers planned to welcome Bosnia’s Grand Mufti, Mustafa Ceric, to Serbia, has been banned by Serbian Police, citing safety concerns. The meeting was supposed to take place in Tutin, southwest Serbia, on Monday.

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Serb Bank Doesn’t Report to Kosovo

A Serb bank operating in Kosovo, Komercialna Banka, that was granted a license in 2006 by Kosovo’s Administration, is not reporting its activities to the country’s Central Bank. Komercialna Banka is located in Mitrovica, Gracanica, Zubin Potok, Leposavic, Zvecan, Slivova, Shterpce and Dragash, areas populated by Serbian minority in Kosovo. 

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