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NATO leaders say they will try again with Russia

NATO leaders have agreed to re-start direct talks with Russia, while simultaneously condemning the country’s military build-up in Georgia’s breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. “Despite our current disagreements, Russia is of particular importance to us as a partner and neighbour,” NATO heads of state and government said in …

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Turkey to build housing for Georgian war victims

The Turkish Cooperation and Development Agency (TİKA) will construct 100 residential units for Georgians displaced by the country’s most recent war. Speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony near the Georgian city of Gori on Saturday, TİKA head Musa Kulaklıkaya said that the construction of the units will be completed soon and …

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Bulgaria PM, Top Diplomat Meet Obama, Hillary Clinton

US President Barack Obama is in Prague Sunday to meet the EU leaders. Obama and First Lady, Michelle, arrived in Prague at 6:15 pm Saturday evening, but did not have any formal meetings. The couple took the evening off to rest after the exhausting schedule in London, Kehl and Strasbourg. …

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