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Brammertz Visiting Belgrade

Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz is due in Belgrade today to meet with officials responsible for Serbia’s cooperation with the court. President of the National Council for Hague Cooperation Rasim Ljajic cautioned against placing great expectations on what he said was a regular working visit. He said Brammertz would …

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Croatian PM Meets NATO Parliament Members

NATO parliamentarians express satisfaction that Croatia will soon become a member of NATO. Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader hosted a delegation from the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, headed by Assen Agov, president of the sub-committee for transatlantic relations and vice-president of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO-PA). The members of the NATO-PA …

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Western Powers Debate Bosnia’s Future

Representatives from the EU, the US, and Russia among others are meeting in Sarajevo, where they are expected to debate the international community’s future role in Bosnia and Herzegovina and confirm the country’s new top international envoy. The conference of the Peace Implementation Council started in the Bosnian capital on …

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