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Ruling Party Candidate Leads in Macedonia Poll

George Ivanov from the main ruling VMRO DPMNE party maintains a lead according to early results from Macedonia’s Presidential election although he is likely to face a run-off vote in two weeks time. Out of 98 percent of the counted votes, Ivanov is the frontrunner with about 340,000 votes or …

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OSCE: Macedonia Passes Election Test

The first round of Sunday’s presidential and mayoral election in Macedonia met most international standards, western monitors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe say. The poll was “well administered and free of the violent incidents that clouded last year’s parliamentary elections,” the OSCE said. Election day was …

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NATO Bombing of Serbia ‘Was Right’

NATO’s air attack on the former Yugoslavia a decade ago was “the right thing to do” and had improved the lives of Kosovo Albanians and Serbs, the US envoy Richard Holbrooke argues. Speaking at the Brussels Forum conference on Saturday, Holbrooke, a former envoy to the Balkans and currently United …

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