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Russia gives aid to Georgia

MOSCOW – RUSSIA on Tuesday agreed to give $226 million dollars (114 million euros) of aid to two rebel regions of Georgia. Moscow will give 2.36 billion rubles (52 million euros) to Abkhazia and 2.8 billion rubles to South Ossetia. 

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Georgian authorities express protest against military exercises, underway in Abkhazia

TBILISI, March 17 –Georgian authorities express protest against military exercises, underway in Abkhazia on March 17-18, Georgian State Minister for Reintegration Temuri Yakobashvili told reporters on Tuesday. “The presence of Abkhazian armed forces of such a high numerical strength in the administrative border area is alarming,” he said. 

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Romania To Simplify Tax System

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc announced that the Romanian government has agreed to cut the tax-related administrative burden, by reducing the number of taxes and tariffs levied in Romania. Boc explained that the country’s Ministries would now put forward proposals for the annulment, reduction or amalgamation of taxes and fees, …

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