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Croatia, Hungary sign pipeline connection deal

ZAGREB, March 3 – Croatia and Hungary signed an agreement on Tuesday to connect their natural gas pipelines by mid-2011, to ensure a steady supply for the region and avoid a repeat of a gas crisis earlier this year. The agreement was signed by the heads of Plinacro and FGSZ …

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Serbia to host regional conference on border security co-op

Serbia will host the sixth ministerial conference on border security cooperation in Southeast Europe this week, the Balkan country’s authorities said on Monday. The interior ministers of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and three EU member states — Italy, Slovenia and the Czech Republic — would discuss the realization …

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Kosovo Doctors Cut Deal With Government-End Strike

Kosovo doctors re-opened state clinics and hospitals on Tuesday, ending a week-long strike after the government pledged to investigate options for responding to their demands for higher salaries. The union of health workers and the government agreed to form a parliamentary commission to look into the issue. “I want to …

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