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Austrian Tapped for Bosnia OHR Post-Source

European foreign ministers failed to formally appoint the new international representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina on Monday but sources said that Austrian Valentin Inszko, Vienna’s former ambassador to Bosnia, was now the strongest contender for the post after the British frontrunner pulled out. According to diplomatic sources, Emyr Parry Jones, …

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EU Likely Not Sending Serbia Mission

The European Union is apparently not keen on taking up Belgrade’s offer and sending a fact-finding mission to assess Serbia’s cooperation with the Hague war crimes tribunal , according to European officials. Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremic called EU member states in January to send a fact finding mission to …

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Bosnia Plunges Deeper Into Crisis

Bosnia plunged deeper into political crisis over the weekend after Bosnian Serb leaders abandoned crucial negotiations, accused a US diplomat of conspiracy, threatened to pull out of joint institutions and even call for a referendum on independence. This was only a part of the infuriated response of the leadership of …

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