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Macedonia Candidate “Too Rude For President”

Warming up for the official start of the Macedonia presidential race, the ruling conservative VMRO DPMNE party came up with an unusual way to attack the candidate of the opposition Social Democrats, calling him ‘too rude’ to lead the nation. The VMRO party youth asked Ljubomir Frckoski to apologize to …

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Kosovo To Expel Unannounced Serb Leaders

Kosovo’s authorities have said they are adamant about “defusing Serbia’s threats towards Kosovo’s territorial sovereignty” and would stop any Serbian officials entering Kosovo unannounced. Serbia’s Minister for Kosovo and Metohija, Goran Bogdanovic was stopped from coming into Kosovo at the weekend, with authorities saying he was planning to come into …

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Kosovo Health Workers Strike For Pay Hikes

Around 13,000 Kosovo health workers went on strike on Tuesday to protest against delays in being awarded a pay hike, already promised last year. Kosovo’s Minsitry of Health promised to increase health workers’ wages by at least 44 euro a month in October 2008, a pledge that has yet to …

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