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Kosovo’s Thaci Hails First Year of Independence

Kosovo’s first year of independence has been successful, Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci said on the eve of the first anniversary of the secession from Serbia, adding that Kosovo will in the end be a full member of the European Union and NATO. Kosovo declared independende on February 17, 2008 …

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Defiant Serb MPs To Visit North Kosovo

A group of hardline Serbian parlamentarians will visit northern Kosovo on Tuesday, the first anniversary of Kosovo’s secession from Serbia. Serbia has said Kosovo’s Feb 17, 2008 secession is ‘illegal’ and it still considers Kosovo its southern province. Hardline Kosovo Serb leader Marko Jaksic told local radio Contact Plus that …

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Kosovo Independence Brought Stability – Sejdiu

Kosovo has good reason to be proud of its achievements in its first year of independence, President Fatmir Sejdiu said ahead of the Feb 17 anniversary of Kosovo’s secession from Serbia, noting that rather than destabilise the Balkans, the declaration of independence had opened doors for progress. “During its first …

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