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Macedonia Vaccinations Target Mumps Outbreak

Macedonian health authorities kicked off an emergency mass vaccination campaign on Tuesday to deal with an outbreak of mumps, a disease that affects mainly children. Mumps is a viral infectious disease that is spread from person to person through contact with respiratory secretions such as saliva, but can also be …

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Serbia-Montenegro Ties ‘Impermissibly Bad’

Relations between Serbia and Montenegro, that used to make up a joint state just three years ago, are on “an impermissibly low level”, Montenegrin Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic said. Montenegro’s ambassador had to leave Belgrade last October as a persona non grata after Podgorica recognised the independence of Kosovo, Serbia’s …

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Macedonia Name Deal Not Close – Greece

Athens is committed to finding a win-win way out in the row with Skopje over the name ‘Macedonia’, but Skopje’s provocative attitude is dimming chances of a UN-sponsored solution, Greece’s Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis said on Monday in Belgrade. Greece and Macedonia are due to attend a fresh round of …

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