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Croatia High In Globalization Index, Serbia Last

Croatia is the most globalised country in the Balkans, and Serbia the least, according to the Index of Globalization 2009, that each year measures the economic, social and political scope of globalization in 208 countries and territories. The report is compiled by the Zurich-based KOF Economic Institute. The economic dimension …

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Romania Hosts Sudanese Refugees

A group of 42 Sudanese refugees has arrived in Timisoara, western Romania, after being evacuated from a makeshift camp in the desert in Iraq, according to UNHCR sources. The refugees, who have been provided with winter clothing, are staying in the new Emergency Transit Centre set up by the Romanian …

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Kosovo Decentralization A Challenge – Thaci

Kosovo is pushing ahead with decentralisation as envisaged by the Ahtisaari plan, but without the support of citizens across the ethnic spectrum the integration of all communities will remain a challenge, said Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci. Decentralization, a byword for allowing Kosovo’s minority Serbs to run their affairs separately …

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