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Iran to Educate Iraqi PhD Students

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran’s Shahid Chamran University announced preparedness to educate Iraqi PhD students. The Iranian university also has inked four Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with the universities of India, France and Iraq, expert for international relations department Farah Chenari said. She also announced that Shahid Chamran university receives four free …

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Iran Starts Manufacture of Stealth Aircraft

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran’s Air Force has started manufacturing of its first stealth aircraft after its designing completed, Air Force Commander Brigadier General Shahsafi said. “The designing phase of Iran’s stealth aircrafts has already completed and they are in the manufacturing phase of archetypes, of course, in smaller size,” Shahsafi told …

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Diviziile lui Grigore Vieru

„Papa? Câte divizii de blindate are Papa?” (replica lui Stalin către Papa Pius al XII-lea) Dan Dungaciu Dincolo de atmosfera tragic-înălţătoare a funeraliilor marelui spirit care a fost şi rămâne Grigore Vieru, procesiunea ne-a mai arătat ceva. Zecile de mii de oameni din stradă, simbolurile care au flancat evenimentul …

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