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Romania Appoints New Justice Chief

Judge Viorel Andreies was elected the new president of a key body guaranteeing the independence of the judiciary in Romania, the Superior Council of Magistracy, CSM. The European Union, which Romania joined in January 2007, has urged Bucharest to continue reforms in the justice system – plagued by delays in …

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Fresh Macedonia Name Talks Soon -Report

Matthew Nimetz, the UN mediator in the long running Athens-Skopje name row, plans to hold a meeting between the two sides before the end of January, Greek daily Kathimerini said on Thursday citing unnamed diplomats from Athens. The dispute dates from the early 1990s, after Macedonia broke away from socialist …

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Violence Continues in Kosovo Flashpoint

Two cars were burnt in the latest inter-ethnic clash in Kosovo’s ethnically divided city of Mitrovica, Kosovo police says. The violence between Kosovo Serbs who dominate the northern part of the town and Kosovo Albanians who dominate the south started around 19:30 hours CET on Tuesday night. The row started …

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