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Volunteers Seek to Defend Gaza

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian student groups have appealed to the government to authorize martyrdom-seeking volunteers to leave Iran and fight against Israel in response to the Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip. The government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had not responded to the call by Wednesday. Five student groups and a …

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Iran Cuts Oil Output

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran said it cuts oil output by 545,000 barrels per day from Thursday, Jan. 1 in line with OPEC’s decision to reduce production in its bid to try to shore up tumbling crude prices. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed in Algeria this month to cut …

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Iraq Seeks to Send Terrorist Group Out

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iraq said on Wednesday it wants thousands of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) members at a camp north of Baghdad to leave the country, although it does not plan to expel them by force. Iraqi forces take over responsibility for Camp Ashraf, home to 3,500 MKO terrorists, …

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