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(INTERVIU – Sursa: Vasile Botnaru despre politică, jurnalism şi alegeri în R. Moldova

Sursa: Am dorit de multă vreme să realizez un interviu cu Vasile Botnaru, şeful biroului Radio Europa Libera de la Chişinău şi unul dintre cei mai cunoscuţi ziarişti din R. Moldova. Nu am avut norocul să îl am pe Vasile Botnaru ca profesor, în schimb a avut o contribuţie …

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14 students die in bombing at Afghan school

KABUL, Afghanistan – A suicide bomber tried to attack a meeting of tribal elders and blew himself up near an Afghan primary school on Sunday, killing 14 children and wounding 58 people, the U.S. military said. The suicide blast went off near the entrance to a police and army post, …

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Turkey To Back Kosovo In International Arena

urkey will support Kosovo within the United Nations when it becomes a temporary member of the Security Council in January 2009, a senior Turkish official said. “From the beginning of 2009, Turkey will be a temporary member of the UN Security Council … and wishes that Kosovo become a member …

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