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Taliban kill mullah critical of suicide attacks

KABUL, Afghanistan – Suspected Taliban militants killed a religious leader in western Afghanistan after he criticized the use of suicide attacks as a weapon of war in the country, an Afghan official said Friday.

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Bomb Attacks in Croatia and Macedonia Connected

13 November 2008 Skopje – The method used in the recent murder of Croatian journalist Ivo Pukanic and his marketing chief, Niko Franjic, is similar to the one used in the attempt on a former Macedonian President’s life in 1995, local media have reported police sources as saying.

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Karadzic Arrest Boosts Mladic’s Vigilance

13 November 2008 Belgrade – The arrest of former Bosnian Serbs leader Radovan Karadzic created difficulties for the investigation into the whereabouts of fugitive Ratko Mladic, Serbian Labour Minister Rasim Ljajic said in an interview published today in Belgrade’s Politika newspaper.

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