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Clashes at Lebanon-Israel border raise fears of wider war

On the face of it, the crossfire on Lebanon’s border with Israel appears marginal, dwarfed by the scale and intensity of the Hamas-Israel war further south. The fighting has stayed within a roughly 4-kilometer (2.5-mile) radius of either side of the demarcation line, with at least 13 people killed since …

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Challenges of Expanding the SCO to Caucasus and the Middle East

The rapid and significant horizontal and vertical expansion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) has had a negative impact on the coherence, coordination, efficiency and especially the executive guarantee of the organisation’s policies and decisions, writes Vali Kaleji. Executive summary In his article, Dr. Vali Kaleji, a Tehran-based expert on …

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À Bruxelles, le djihadisme s’en prend à la Suède

Lundi soir, deux ressortissants suédois ont été tués à Bruxelles dans une attaque à l’arme à feu. L’attentat islamiste a été perpétré peu avant le match de football entre la Belgique et la Suède qui avait lieu au stade Roi-Baudouin. Les 35 000 spectateurs présents pour la rencontre et les …

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