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Germany to Iran: Stop enrichment and we can talk

Tehran says any talks must be ‘without preconditions’BERLIN (Reuters) — Germany made clear to Iran on Saturday it must halt uranium enrichment if it wants to negotiate with six world powers on an offer of incentives aimed at resolving the nuclear standoff with the Islamic republic.

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Kuwaiti women campaign in uncharted territory

KUWAIT — Kuwaiti women competing for the first time in a general election are shattering social taboos and campaigning in the uncharted territory of the all-male “diwaniya”, the Gulf Arab state’s version of a gentlemen’s club.

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Asian labourers toil to build UAE for meagre returns

DUBAI — Construction worker B. Lal arrived in the affluent Gulf Arab city of Dubai more than a year ago, hoping to end the grinding poverty of his family in India.

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