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Ben Laden warns US, Shiites

DUBAI (Reuters) —  A purported audiotape by Al Qaeda leader Osama Ben Laden warned Iraq’s Shiite majority on Saturday of retaliation over attacks on Sunni Arabs and that his group would fight the United States anywhere in the world.

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Baghdad car bomb kills 66

BAGHDAD (AP) — A huge car bomb exploded Saturday at a bustling outdoor market in a Shiite district of Baghdad, killing at least 66 people and injuring about 100 in the deadliest attack since the new national unity government took office six weeks ago.

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În cadrul unei emisiuni televizate, Traian Băsescu a afirmat că nu „au existat niciun fel de consultări pe această temă”, referindu-se la propunerea premierului şi a ministrului Apărării de a retrage trupele din Irak.

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