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Kirkuk drowned in blood: where are peshmarga forces

Coalition forces are directly supporting terrorists, settled Arabs and former Ba’athists By Farhad Muhammad, Govari Gulan, Translated by Dr Kamal Mirawdeli The fire of terrorism has been extended to Kurdistan too. No day passes without tens of citizens becoming the victims of terrorism in Kirkuk, but still the political leadership …

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Opinion: A suggestion for some ministers

Whoever you are, please, just once, ask your bodyguard to leave you alone and spend two hours as a traffic policeman working in the heat. Just spend two hours under the shade that has not been made good.

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In the name of God

Thousands were fleeing, some on foot, others in cars. Chaos was every where. Some women were screaming while young men were shouting words that depicted cursing, swearing, and here and there threats of vengeance. But the majority of these people, who have turned their backs on their homes, some of …

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