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In Congo, river canoes bring chance to vote

MAITA, Congo (Reuters) – “Vote on Sunday! Vote on Sunday!” men shout at villagers from aboard a 50-foot wooden canoe as it glides along the vast Congo river, packed high with boxes of voting ballots and red plastic tables and chairs.

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Exodus from southern Lebanon on the coastal road

Tire, Lebanon (Reuters) – Car after car races north along the coastal road toward Lebanon’s capital Beirut. Each vehicle is adorned with white: white flags, white T-shirts, white sheets, white plastic bags, white rags.

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Chopper crash kills 16 in Afghanistan: officials

KABUL (Reuters) – All 16 people aboard a helicopter, including several foreigners, were killed in Wednesday’s crash in rugged mountain terrain in southeastern Afghanistan, U.S.-led coalition forces said. The cause of the crash was not known, but it took place in an area where insurgents are active. At least two …

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