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Russian secret services behind anti-NATO protests in Ukraine

About 200 US reservists, whose arrival in Crimea in southern Ukraine sparked anti-NATO protests, will leave by Monday, but planned military exercises may still take place, Ukraine’s navy quoted by AFP has said. “Half of them (reservists) are in the process of taking buses to Simferopol from where they will …

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Non-aligned states to back Tehran at IAEA meeting

VIENNA (Reuters) — Non-aligned states will back Iran’s right to nuclear fuel production at a UN meeting this week, unmoved by US calls to join efforts to get Tehran to stop enriching uranium, diplomats said. UN Security Council powers are waiting for Iran to respond to an offer they made …

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Calls for Iraq US troop pullout renewed

WASHINGTON (AFP) — Opposition Democrats on Tuesday used President George W. Bush’s secret visit to Iraq as an opportunity to renew their calls for speedy end to America’s military involvement there.

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