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Haniyeh says some public salaries to be paid

GAZA CITY (AP) — The Hamas-led government said Tuesday it will pay partial salaries to its 165,000 employees, the first payday for increasingly desperate Palestinian workers in three months.

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 Comandamentul care se ocupă de situaÅ£ia gripei aviară, întrunit duminică, sub comanda ministrului Agriculturii, Gheorghe Flutur, a decis să acorde despăgubiri de 500. 000 de euro proprietarilor a circa 500.000 de păsări sacrificate în urma depistării virusului aviar. De asemenea, în noul bilanÅ£ făcut public de către noul preÅŸedinte ANSV, …

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Algeria’s leader seen extending his tenure

ALGIERS — Algeria’s President Abdelaziz Bouteflika replaced the prime minister with one of his staunch backers in order to revise the constitution and extend his stay in power until 2014, analysts say.

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