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Keep talking with EU only buys time in nuke dispute

VIENNA (AP) — Europe’s success in cajoling Iran to stick with negotiations meant to reduce Tehran’s potential for nuclear mischief is only one skirmish won in a high stakes diplomatic battle. A decision Wednesday at a meeting of European foreign ministers and a top Iranian representative to keep talking defused …

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Reformers mull presidential bid or boycott

TEHRAN (AFP) — Iran’s main reformist party was Thursday meeting to decide whether Mostafa Moin, its candidate who was given last-minute approval to stand in presidential elections next month, should go ahead and contest the polls. The fears are that even if Moin manages to pull off a surprise win …

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Conflicting statements on Zarqawi deputy

DUBAI (Reuters) — Conflicting statements about the leadership of Al Qaeda in Iraq appeared on the Internet on Thursday following reports that its chief, Abu Mussab Al Zarqawi, had been wounded. A statement in the name of Al Qaeda Organisation for Holy War in Iraq was posted on an Islamist …

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