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Iraqi Shiites eye new majority as results come in

BAGHDAD (AP) — About 24 top former officials in Saddam Hussein’s government — including a biological weapons expert known as “Dr Germ” — have been released from jail, a legal official in Baghdad said on Monday. Partial results from last week’s parliamentary elections showed Shiite and Kurdish parties dominating in …

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Syria denies UN charge of slow cooperation

DAMASCUS (Reuters) — Syria on Tuesday rebuffed UN accusations that it was hampering an inquiry into the killing of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri and complained of violations in the questioning of five officials. “We disagree with the inaccurate remarks in the [UN] report that indicate slowness on the …

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Lebanon pays last farewell to slain MP

BEIRUT (AFP) — Lebanon buried Wednesday slain anti-Syrian MP and press magnate Gibran Tueni, amid angry calls for a regime change in Damascus and efforts by the Arab League to defuse tension between the two neighbours. The international community also stepped up pressure on Damascus to comply unconditionally with a …

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