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Statement by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic

Oct 29,2005 In the Name of God, the Almighty Statement by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The statement issued by the President of the UN Security Council on the International Day of Qods upon the proposal of the Zionist regime was aimed to cover up …

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New pressure to end corruption as World Bank cuts support

SANAA — Taxi driver Mohamed Abdul Karim swears under his breath as he swings past the giant, multimillion dollar mosque being built to honour Yemen’s president. “I don’t make enough money to feed my family every month, and we go and spend millions of dollars on another mosque,” said Abdul …

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Ahbash group at centre of Hariri probe

BEIRUT — The Lebanese Sunni Muslim group Ahbash, which describes itself a charitable organisation promoting Islamic culture, is at the centre of the UN probe into the murder of former prime minister Rafiq Hariri. The UN inquiry probing the assassination has named Ahmad Abdel-Al, believed to have been a top …

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