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Declaraţia Ministerului de Externe al R.l. Iran cu privire la Rezoluţia AIEA adoptata de un grup de un grup de state membre

In numele lui Dumnezeu, cel atotputernic In data de 24 septembrie 2005, Consiliul Guvernatorilor AgenÅ£iei Internationale pentru Energie Atomica a supus votului RezoluÅ£ia cu nr. 70/2005/GOV, ale cărei prevederi au creat divergente considerabile membrii AgenÅ£iei, ceea ce indica lipsa unui consens internaÅ£ional in acest sens, fiind totodată considerate o ilustrare …

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Address by H.E. Dr. Mahmood Ahmadinejad President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

At the Sixtieth Session of the United Nations General assembly In the Name of the God of Mercy, Compassion, Peace, Freedom and Justice Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Today we have gathered here to exchange views about the world, its future and our common responsibilities towards it. It is …

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Russia helped Iran obtain missile technology: report

Former members of the Russian military have been secretly helping Iran obtain the technology needed to make missiles capable of hitting European capitals, a British newspaper claimed yesterday. Citing anonymous “Western intelligence officials,” the Sunday Telegraph said the Russians were go-betweens as part of a multi-million-pound deal they negotiated between …

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