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11 invaders killed in recent clashes in Chechnya

At least eleven Russian invaders were killed during military operations in Chechnya on 18 June, a spokesman of the military committee of the State Defense Committee – Majlis ul-Shura of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria [CRI] reported. Six invaders were killed as a result of skirmish in Vedeno district of …

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Chechen Gov urge Council of Europe to protect human rights in Chechnya

It will be six years soon as the second stage of the Russian-Chechen war has been continuing. This war which the Russian Federation started against the Chechen nation is the cruellest in the modern European history. The one-million-strong population of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria has sustained catastrophic losses as …

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The Chechen trace» in the case of Hlebnikov’s murder

The difficult situation with the murder of the journalist Paul Hlebnikov, at last, has got clear and simple outlines. According to the version of the Russian Office of the Public Prosecutor, a Chechen, Hoj-Ahmed Nuhaev, having taken offence on Hlebnikov for his book, employed two Chechens to kill him. The …

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