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Alegerile pentru cel de-al noualea mandat al Presedintiei Republicii Islamice Iran

In numele lui Dumnezeu Aducem la cunostinta tuturor compatriotilor nostri care locuiesc in Romania ca data fiind desfasurarea alegerilor pentru cel de-al noualea mandat al Presedintiei Republicii Islamice Iran, in data de vineri 17 iunie 2005 , la sediul ambasadei va fi deschisa , intre orele 9.00-19.00 , o urna …

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Blair wins kind words from Bush, but has tough job on Africa

WASHINGTON — With warm words but few solid promises from President George W. Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair has tough negotiating ahead to work out deals on boosting Africa’s poor and tackling climate change in time for next month’s summit of rich countries in Scotland. Bush inched towards Blair’s …

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Hamas men escape air strike

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — Israel yesterday launched an air strike against what its army said were three Hamas members who fired mortars at Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip in a second day of increasing tension. On Tuesday, two Palestinian farmers and one Chinese labourer were killed by Palestinian mortar fire …

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