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Ukraine war takes its toll on UK politics

The NATO Summit in Vilnius on June 11-12 turned out to be an anti-climax with the fractured relationship between the regime in Kiev and the Western powers surging. What is happening is more of an implosion than a Russian conspiracy. Certainly, the announcement by the UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace …

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The Institutionalization of the New Cold War

The 31 countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are taking their victory laps over the latest expansion of the political-military alliance. The boastful communique for last week’s NATO summit in Lithuania had more than 60 references to nuclear weapons, and promised modernization for NATO’s nuclear powers: the United …

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Pourquoi l’OTAN regroupe 300 000 soldats aux frontières avec la Russie ?

Les médias occidentaux ont révélé le plan de l’OTAN en cas de guerre avec la Russie. Celui-ci implique une augmentation de la taille des forces de réaction rapide de l’Alliance atlantique à 300 000 soldats, tout en plaçant sous la tutelle des alliés les plus forts le rôle de cette …

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