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Analyzing The Regime Change Sequence That Toppled Bangladesh’s Long-Serving Prime Minister

Here’s how everything unfolded from the start of this summer’s initially peaceful student-led protests against the judiciary’s reimposition of a contentious government job quota system to the spree of urban terrorism that ultimately forced the country’s long-serving leader to flee for her life to India. Casual news consumers don’t know …

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Ruining Europe to restore power to the US

Technologically, the Japanese have nothing to envy the Americans, whether in the electronics sector, artificial intelligence or the automotive industry. Similarly, the time when objects made in China could be considered as junk. Gigantic cities are endowed with the highest technology. In a few years, dozens of villages have been …

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Qu’est-ce que l’IA ? Illusions numériques, fausses promesses et rééducation de masse

Au cours des cinq dernières années, le concept d’intelligence artificielle a fait l’objet d’une grande fanfare, à tel point que sa primauté est considérée dans les médias comme une évidence. L’idée que les algorithmes peuvent «penser» est devenue un mythe omniprésent, un fantasme de science-fiction qui prend vie. La réalité …

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