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Nikolic Wants Dacic to Head Kosovo Talks

As Serbia prepares to implement a deal on border crossings with Kosovo, President Tomislav Nikolic suggests that PM Ivica Dacic should lead the negotiating team.President Tomislav Nikolic told the Serbian broadcaster B92 on Sunday night that he would propose that Prime Minister Ivica Dacic heads Belgrade’s team in negotiations with …

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Macedonian Government Survives No-Confidence Vote

After a twelve hour discussion in the country’s parliament, Macedonian lawmakers on late Friday supported the government led by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.With 42 votes in favour, 68 against and none in abstention, lawmakers in the 123 seat parliament didn’t adopt the interpellation put forward by opposition Social Democrats.

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Macedonian Industrial Output in Decline

For the twelve consecutive months, Macedonia’s industrial output has been in decline, largely due to the world financial crisis.Macedonia’s industrial output in August was down 8.1 per cent compared to August 2011, shows the latest data from the State Statistical Office.

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