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Bosnia’s ‘Buy Domestic’ Commercial Stirs Controversy

The Agriculture Minister of the Bosnian Federation entity says that any similarity between his party’s slogan and the one used in a recent agriculture commercial is coincidental.In a marketing campaign entitled “Buy Domestic,” the Agriculture Minister of the Bosniak-Croat Federation, Jerko Ivankovic Lijanovic, encourages the population to buy domestic products. …

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Officials Verify Signatures for Bulgaria Belene Referendum

Bulgarian officials have begun verifying thousands of petition signatures calling for a referendum on the government’s decision to abandon construction of the Belene nuclear plant.State workers will spend the next three months verifying the names, addresses and social security numbers of the 770,000 signatures on the petition, which was submitted …

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Krasniqi: Kosovo MPs are Scared of SHIK

Opposition lawmakers are too afraid to sign a petition asking Kosovo’s Parliament to launch a probe into the work of the former secret agency SHIK, says an opposition MP.In a letter sent to the press, Florin Krasniqi, an MP from the Self-determination (Vetëvendosje) Movement, said that so far he has …

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