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Cull of Editors on Croatian TV Causes Protests

Around 40 editors at Croatian state television will be sacked or demoted, a local newspaper has reported – but bosses of the station deny carrying out a purge.According to Vecernji List, a Croatian daily newspaper, the TV’s new management has already replaced seven out of nine editors in charge of …

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EULEX Report Reveals Strategy to Kill LDK Activists

A classified report, parts of which have been leaked, says an organised strategy existed after the end of the Kosovo war to assassinate political rivals of the current ruling party.Dozens of senior political figures and activists in the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, were killed after the end of the …

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Dacic Presents Goals of Serbia’s New Govt

Prime Minister designate presents the programme of the future government whose 19 members took their oaths of office on Friday.The sound of the national anthem and the presence of a ceremonial guard marked the ceremony when Serbia’s new cabinet members took their oath of office. They failed to be sworn …

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