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EULEX to exhume possible mass grave in northern Kosovo

EULEX will start to exhume a possible mass grave in Mitrovica, northern Kosovo, after two bodies were found  by local residents during construction works. A team of EULEX experts and war

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Still no agreement reached on candidate for president in Albania

Albanian PM Sali Berisha discussed on Sunday with opposition leader Edi Rama about agreeing on a candidate for president, but failed to reach any positive results. The opposition rejected Zaganjori’s candidature and asked for talks between

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Serbia held meeting on recent Kosovo events

Serbian President together with several ministers held a meeting to discuss the latest events between from northern Kosovo between Serbs and NATO peacekeepers. The meeting was held on Friday, right after KFOR started to dismantle the Serb barricades near Zvecan, a Serb-run area in northern Kosovo. Serbia’s Defence Minister Dragan Sutanovac, …

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