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Skopje opposition criticize PM for interview on NATO

Macedonian opposition parties have accused Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski of damaging the national interest by unnecessarily antagonizing NATO in a recent interview. Opposition politicians have called on Prime Minister

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EU officials say Bosnia is closer to EU membership

Bosnian and EU officials met in Sarajevo on Tuesday and concluded that Bosnia is getting closer to EU membership. The Bosnian Prime Minister, Vjekoslav Bevanda, said that the implementation of the Sejdic – Finci ruling, one of the preconditions for the start

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Germany and France pledge to support Greece

Germany and France pledged Monday to do whatever was needed to keep Greece in the eurozone, as political turmoil in the debt-wracked country threatens to force it out of the club. “We agreed that we have to do everything to keep Greece in the euro club,” Schaeuble told a joint …

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