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Bulgaria to host UN Forum on Syria

Bulgaria probably will host one of the meetings on the humanitarian aspects of the crisis in Syria in April, being co-organized by the United Nations, Bulgaria’s Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov has announced. Mladenov made the announcement Monday in Brussels where he was taking part in a meeting of the EU …

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Kosovo nationalists protest against Serbian agreement

At an opposition protest on Monday Vevendosje leader Albin Kurti pledged to organize rolling demonstrations, demanding the government’s resignation over the deal with Serbia. Several hundred opposition activists demonstrated in Kosovo’s

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Was Imperialism the “Belle Epoque” of Globalization?

General Notions The imperialistic ideas of the 19th century might in many ways be interpreted as Universalist, from the notion of the civilizing mission of the white man to the “transplantation” of political systems to the colonized areas. But was imperialism truly globalizing and was the age of imperialism really …

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