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Hillary Clinton discuss energy and military issues with Bulgarian PM

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Sunday paid a short visit to Bulgaria and discussed energy issues and military cooperation with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. At a joint press conference with Borissov, Clinton said she had a very productive meeting with the prime minister.

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Italy and Austria back Serbia EU candidacy

The Italian and Austrian ambassadors in Belgrade have said their countries will support Serbia’s EU candidacy in March. “Italy has been supporting Serbia’s path towards the EU for a long time and all political options in Italy are united when it comes to this,” Armando

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Former Croatian official Tomislav Mercep to face trial for war crimes

Tomislav Mercep, a Croatian former assistant interior minister, is to stand trial for war crimes on February 10 at Zagreb County Court, the court announced. The indictment charges Mercep with responsibility for the killing of 43 civilians

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