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OSCE: Political influence slows down Kosovo judiciary

Kosovo’s judiciary still fails to meet European and international standards, since it is not fully independent from the executive branch, a newly released OSCE report finds. The independent functioning of the judicial system in Kosovo still faces a number of shortcomings, and judges continue to

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Montenegrin PM says all society must be involved in EU negotiations

Prime Minister Igor Luksic says all segments of Montenegro’s society should be involved in the country’s EU negotiations. Luksic said that the internal consensus reached on European integration has been one of the most important successes of the state, and must be maintained as Podgorica continues its path towards membership …

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Bosnia: case against the 58 people suspected of assisting Karadzic was suspended

Bosnia’s state prosecution has suspended an investigation into 58 people suspected of assisting Hague indictee Radovan Karadzic while he was in hiding. Karadzic, who is currently on trial at the Hague Tribunal accused of crimes against humanity and genocide in Bosnia, was in hiding in Bosnia and Serbia from 1996 …

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