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New Bosnian PM sets EU as top priority

Bosnian lawmakers backed Vjekoslav Bevanda as the country’s new prime minister on Thursday, while a complete government is expected to be appointed next week. Bevanda was supported in the State Parliament by 31 votes; two MPs voted against him and three abstained.

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EP Foreign Affairs Committee supports Serbia’s EU candidate status

The European Parliament (EP) Foreign Affairs Committee supported Thursday the draft resolution urging approval of Serbia’s EU candidate status in March. MEPs also requested the start of the EU accession negotiations, primarily on the chapters regarding rule of law and judiciary.

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EP Rapporteur for Serbia says the country deserves candidate status

European Parliament (EP) Rapporteur Jelko Kacin stated Wednesday Serbia deserved both the candidate status and a date for the beginning of the talks. He added that it was important for the most significant agreements in the dialogue with Priština to be implemented.

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