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Serbian President says Kosovo can be solved only with international support

Serbian President Boris Tadić says the Kosovo problem needs a creative solution that would satisfy interests of Serbs, Albanians and interests of great powers. “We need to find allies in this process. This problem has been internationalized and so

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Hashim Thaci says border protest will end soon

Threat to block the borders poses violent threat to country’s institutions, Hashim Thaci says, urging people not to respond to Self-Determination’s plans for Saturday. Hashim Thaci, has called on people not to respond to opposition calls to

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel says Greece is first priority

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday the euro zone’s top priority for the beginning of 2012 was to secure a second aid package for Greece. “The euro zone’s first obligation this year is to resolve a second Greek programme and finalise these negotiations with the banks so that we …

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