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Greece will keep same position after ICJ Macedonia ruling

After the International Court of Justice declared that Greece broke a UN agreement by blocking Macedonia’s membership of NATO, Athens says it will not change its course. Greek leaders have made it clear that Athens does not plan to radically change its policy towards Macedonia as a result of the …

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EU foreign ministers to debate Serbia’s candidacy and accession talks with Montenegro

Foreign ministers of the EU member states will hold a debate on EU enlargement on Monday in Brussels. During it, they will formulate a decision on Serbia’s candidacy, and a date for start of the accession talks with Montenegro. The final decision regarding the matter should be reached by EU …

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New round of Transniester talks at the beginning of 2012

On 1 December, talks between Moldova and the pro-Moscow separatist region of Trans-Dniester concluded in Lithuania with an agreement for more meetings at the beginning of next year. Lithuania’s Foreign Minister Audronis Azubalis

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