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Romania and Armenia pledge to boost ties

Armenian Foreign Affairs Minister Edward Nalbandyan has met visiting Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister Theodore Bakonski on a recent visit to Armenia. Nalbandyan said that the traditional friendship between the two countries created a favourable ground for the further

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Turkey offered to open ports for Cyprus

Turkey offered to bow to EU demands and open its ports, airports and airspace to Greek Cyprus under what it called a “Taiwanese-style” diplomatic arrangement to help drive Cyprus reunification talks resuming on Monday under UN pressure for a breakthrough.

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EU demands on Kosovo turn Serbs against joining the block

Support for EU membership has hit an all-time low in Serbia as the public recoils from Brussels’ demands to resolve differences with Kosovo. In a referendum on joining the EU, 44.5 per cent would support membership while one-third would be against it, latest research from the government shows. This is …

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