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Serbian Interior Minister says the country can survive without EU

Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dačić says Serbia should not recognize the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo “even if this means not joining the EU”. “If the price is for Serbia to give up Kosovo to gain membership

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Moldova to discuss Transdniester issue with Russia

Moldovan Foreign Minister Iurie Leanca says Moscow is increasingly open to a “more intense dialogue” with Chisinau over the breakaway region of Transdniester. Leanca said on November 21 that Moldovan officials will ask Russian Foreign Minister

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Armenian President set to visit Georgia on Nov. 29

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan will arrive in Georgia for a two-day visit on Nov. 29. Mr Sargsyan had planned to visit Georgia on Nov.1-3, but the visit was postponed. The visit was postponed due to an offensive remark made by Mr Saakashvili when he unflatteringly spoke of the work of …

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