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Karadzic requests one-month pause to prepare his defence

Wartime Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic on Monday asked the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia for a one- month pause in his trial to prepare his case against charges of genocide in the eastern town of Srebrenica in July 1995.

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Greece won’t change it’s stance on Macedonia name issue

It is highly expected that Greece’s new government will not change the country’s red lines about the name issue. According to experts of the new cabinet, which will govern the country most probably by February when early elections will be called, will not have time to solve key issues and …

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EU and NATO don’t recognise South Ossetia vote

The European Union and NATO condemned on Monday presidential elections held in South Ossetia, stressing that they do not recognize the region’s self-declared, and Russian-backed, independence from Georgia. ‘The European Union does not recognise the constitutional and legal framework within which these elections have taken place,’ Michael Mann, spokesman for …

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